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Content is Key for the Connected Worker

Content is Key for the Connected Worker

Connected worker technologies have changed the way manufacturing companies do business. The ability to digitize paper documents, and digitalize the processes surrounding the execution of those documents increases the efficiency of their workers, as well as their safety. Companies can now work more efficiently and safely than ever before.

A quick internet search yields results from hundreds of companies that have developed software applications catered to manufacturing companies’ vast numbers of field or plant employees that were previously recording the performance of their tasks manually on paper. The solutions range from wearable devices like glasses or watches, augmented reality, AI, IOT, and a host of tools designed to be used on a tablet or smartphone.

Apps on a tablet or phone come in all shapes and sizes as well – from simple to quite complex. Most of these apps transform paper forms or simple checklists into digital data capture tools to allow for real-time processing of data. More sophisticated applications like SmartProcedures enable workers to execute complex role-based step-by-step work instructions with attached photographs or videos.

The tools for digital transformation are available for companies to make changes in their organization. The question now must shift from, “Is it possible?”, to, “How do we best leverage this new technology?”. The answer to this question is content. When field workers are using technology to record execution of procedures, having clear, human-factored step instructions is paramount to safe operations.

SmartProcedures is uniquely positioned to ensure that the content that companies are equipping their workers with is the best in human-factored work instructions. The SmartProcedures Step Analyzer Module (SAM) scans all procedure content to effectively enforce rules, and to look for and eliminate human error precursors.

When you are choosing what Connected Worker solution best fits your company’s needs, be sure that you look deeper than the technology alone. Content is key, and SmartProcedures Step Analyzer Module ensures the your procedure content is the best it can be.